A paradigm refers to a model, a perception, a pattern, or set
of mental thoughts that illustrates certain aspects about the
world and its reality. Our mind usually constructs these
models or ideas about the world, which we use to make our
day to day decisions.
A paradigm is like a map. A map shows where the different
places are located and how they are related to each other
by distance, horizon, objective etc. When we first enter a
city, the map of that city helps us to move around. As we
get familiar with the city, it develops into a mental map, more
detailed and realistic than the one on a paper. The more we
move around in the city, the more our paradigm shifts
towards the comprehension and reality of that city.
When paradigms are not true reflections of reality, they can
limit our progress. Imagine exploring the city of London with
a map titled New York! Similarly, the wrong paradigm could
result in enormous inconvenience and failure. It may happen
that when we reach the zenith, we might find a different place
than we planned earlier. Therefore, it is important to understand
truth and reality before we take our first step.
Majority of the problems with the Muslims is that they are
away from the true Islamic paradigm. They are lost with the
circumstances, hijacked by worldly benefits and also their
failure to discover human role and responsibilities.
If we are in the Truth Paradigm, we are safe and successful.
To attain the truth paradigm, we need to adhere to four basic
themes: Truth, Submission, Humility and Accountability.
Major Changes in life come from shifting our paradigm.
These shifts take place due to a variety of reasons
A deep crisis in life - an accident, a tragedy, a loss -
usually makes one to think about the causes and effects of
the crisis, leading to a paradigm shift which becomes a
turning point in one? life.
Deep motivation to attain a cherished goal - Motivation
leads one to strive for lofty aims and helps the individual to
retain the focus that is so important for success.
The fear of ill health, disease, death gives us an
opportunity to think and reflect. Imagine if one were to know
that he would live only for a few more months what is
expected from him. Obviously he would try to do only good
deeds in the balance of his lifetime. The fear of death can
be the cause for a paradigm shift.
An open mind and willingness to exert oneself is the
ground for a paradigm shift. Personal effort determines the
extent to which the paradigm shift can take place.
The Truth is the Starting point of all explorations. It is the
destiny of the target. It is a vehicle to explore or an
instrument to probe. Scriptures say about Truth. so does
Paradigm shift in Islam
Hidayath or True Guidance, given by God, constitutes the
paradigm shift in Islam. Hidayath is the True Guidance that
make the human beings accept the Truth without doubt in
humility and accountability.
If one puts the efforts to learn one may get Hidayath.
Learning can take place in two ways
By studying Holy Quran and Prophetic Traditions, Islamic literature, books, magazine, audio/video cassettes, CD-ROMs etc.
Effects of paradigm shift
Hidayath or True Guidance, given by God, constitutes the
paradigm shift in Islam. Hidayath is the True Guidance that
make the human beings accept the Truth without doubt in
humility and accountability.
If one puts the efforts to learn one may get Hidayath.
The Truth paradigm (Hidayath) can change our mind set
and perceptions towards the Islamic reality leading to the
Straight Path - the only Path.
This Principle is the opening point of successful philosophy
of Islamic living.
This shift protects from all failures and defeats.
Paradigm shift in Islam
Hidayath or True Guidance, which
is given by God, constitutes the
paradigm shift in Islam. Hidayath is
the True Guidance that make the
human beings accept the Truth
without doubt in humility and
By studying the life and experiences of the Prophet and
His Companions.
The first step towards achieving success both in this world
land the hereafter is to practice the True Guidance of
Almighty. This demands a flexible approach towards attuning
the mind to change for a shift in paradigm.
Prepare yourself for a paradigm shift, is the starting point
towards success. This shift in paradigm continues throughout
in the succeeding principles and every principle is shifting
towards Islamic reality like a class beginning with a problem
and ending with a solution.
Come, join the quest for true success! Get set for a
paradigm shift in your personality, thought and action
towards Islamic message.