The title is unique "24 Hours Islamic Living Habit and Lifetime
This Principle is adopted into Unity Islamic Diary.
We find two important factors for our living:
* 24 Hours Islamic Living Habit
* Lifetime Planning.
One has to plan for lifetime, but one has to live for the day
A habit is developed by repetition of thoughts and actions.
If life is based on Truth and reality and your thoughts and
actions are continuously repeated it becomes a good habit
on a straight path. Developing Islamic Living Habit is the best
choice for eternal life.
Unity Islamic Diary is a combination of Psychology, Modern
Time Management Techniques and Islamic Ideology.
Normally, a diary is to keep track of daily routine and events
for applications. It enables to keep one's timetable, meetings,
and appointments etc. It also helps us to record personal
experience and events.
In Islam we find lofty messages as guidance for applications.
Unity Islamic Diary acts as a guide and practical record for
successful living. The objective is to take the maximum
advantage of the inherent strength of Islamic philosophy for
everyday living.
Elaboration of 24 Hours Islamic Living Habit & Lifetime
24 Hours Islamic Living Habit and Lifetime Planning- will be
a major shift in paradigm in your thinking and living.
Unfortunately, we are ignorant of the Natural System laid by
Almighty Allah for successful living. This is just an exploration
of the hidden technique, to practice for everyday successful
The idea of this technique is applied from the beautiful verses
of the Holy Quran. One is an important Dua frequently
recited by Muslims. The transliteration and the translation of
the verse runs as below "Rabbana Aathina Fid-Dunya
Hasanathau Wa Fil Akhirathi Hasanathau Wa Qina
"Oh Lord! Give us good in this world and good in the
Hereafter, And save us from the torment of the Fire!" Holy
Quran 2:201
The above verse clearly explains that our attitude should
neither be to renounce this world nor to be so preoccupied
in it so as to forget the life Hereafter. We can find three
important Messages in this verse.
* To save ourselves from the punishment of hellfire in the
everlasting eternal life.
* To earn and attain Paradise in the everlasting hereafter.
* To seek all the good things of earthly life.
The other idea is from the Surah often recited in Salath. The
transliteration and the translation of the chapter runs as
"Wal Asr. Innal Insaana Lafee Kusr. Illalazeena Amanu wa
Amilus-Swalihati Watha Wasaw bil haqque. Watha Wasaw Bis sabr."
"By the time. Verily Man is in loss. Except such as have Faith
and do righteous deeds and (join together) in the mutual
enjoining of Truth and of Patience and Constancy." Holy
Quran 103:1-3
This Chapter encompasses a wide meaning in the minimum
words. It contains a very deep message and hidden wisdom
for mankind and makes man to understand true success. It
focuses mainly on how the people are lost at the lapse of
time or at the evening of the day or the short journey that
he traveled on the planet earth. The time that he traveled on
the planet earth. The time that he passes cannot be recaptured
again. Time is a resource, which is freely available to all for
investment. To utilise time is a real investment unknown to
many. The real asset of Man is time. When a man makes
his day’s account in the evening, it will show a loss. It will
show profit or success only if it satisfies the four essential
* Absolute faith in the Almighty Allah with Unity in Purity with
Humility and Accountability.
* Faith is first and foremost among the five basic fundamental
pillars of Islam. The other four pillars are Salath (Obligatory
Prayer), Swam (Fasting), Zakath (Poor due), Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Amal Swalihath:
* Good deeds based on the light of Holy Quran and
Prophetic Traditions.
* Good actions are positive and productive.
* Good for himself, fellowmen and the whole humanity.
* Muslims are recommended to perform good deeds. Ethics
lies at the heart of Islamic teaching.
Twasa bil Haqque:
* One must exhort with other to Truth.
* Truth should be the basis of analysis and approach in every
human activity.
* Truth is the governing principle of the Universe.
* To follow Truth is to Obey Allah.
* Truth is the origin and destination of all personal and
interpersonal interaction.
Twasa Bil Sabr:
* Sabr means to think of Allah before every reaction.
* To be steadfast in patience in all interpersonal relationships
with a hidden goal of accountability to Allah.
* We should cultivate and practice patience and tolerance in
all our activities.
* Sabr increases one’s earning for Aakhir (Hereafter). This
comes from practicing the Islamic principles of attitude and
None of the four can be removed and are conditionally
indispensable. If we do not possess these four essential
prerequisites we will be at great loss.
Day Planner:
Normally in the modern time matrix planner, we see that only
the day is activated for action and the night is ignored.
Whereas in Islamic Time Planner it encompasses all the
twenty four hours - day and night.
In Islam sunset is the starting point but in modern system the
day begins at midnight. Therefore a great advantage in Islam
is the day starts at Magrib and ends before Magrib - the night
before the day - i.e. planning before actions.
Salath First and Salath Last:
Every one is busy in his daily activities. But one should be
really busy with Obligatory Prayers. Salath makes the
other things easy.
In Islam, the first step for success is five Obligatory Prayers.
When we stand for Prayers we recite the Iqamah where we
use the word Hayya-lal-Falaah meaning “Come for Success”.
In Islam success is easy because of certain Obligatory Duties
that have to be performed like Salath. The top priority of the
day is five important Appointments with Allah. They are five
times Prayer (Salath-Obligatory Prayer) in areas of
Prioritization with specific time, norms and procedures.
Normally, appointment with anyone in this world requires lot
of preparation but appointment with Allah is Supreme. This
automatically divides 24 hours into 5 segments. Each Segment
begins with the Call of Azaan and Salath.
I. 'Magrib Segment' commences at sunset with the Azaan
and ends at the time of Isha. This gives you the time for
planning for the next twenty-four hours, hour by hour. The
Obligatory Appointment is Magrib.
II. 'Isha Segment' follows immediately at the time of Isha up
to a few hours before dawn. The Obligatory Appointment is
Isha. Here you have the time to read. dine, rest and sleep.
III. 'Fajr Segment' starts before the Fajr Azaan. This time can
be utilized for Thahajud Salath, Dua, Fajr Salath, the recitation
and study of the Holy Quran, physical exercise, etc. Thahajud
time is the most important hours where our prayers with tears
and supplications are answered by Allah. This is the time
where Allah is near towards His slave. Obligatory Appointment
is Fajr Salath. Fajr segment also includes the most active and
productive part of the day - work & activities. This segment completes when it is time for Dhuhr
IV. ‘Dhuhr Segment’ starts just after the noonday when the
time is for Dhuhr.
Obligatory Appointment is Dhuhr Salath. Followed by lunch,
midday nap and to continue activities again.
V. ‘Asr Segment’ commences at the time of Asr till sunset.
This time can be utilized for Zikr and Dua. In addition this
time can be used for Dawah activities like interaction with
friends, relatives’ etc. Obligatory Appointment is Asr Salath.
In the Day Planners you will have strong Capsules - Verse
from the Holy Quran and Quotation from the Hadees. This is
mainly introduced in order to have reflections and closeness
towards Allah.
Weekly Planner:
Planning for 7 days by prioritising the days with Islamic
thinking. Voluntary fasting on Mondays and Thursdays will
help to have Greater attachment with Allah. The Most important
part of the week is Friday, where Juma Prayer is Obligatory
for all Muslims with social interactions.
Lifetime Planner in Decades:
Where the past decades are reviewed for reflection. The
future decades can be panned for the possible actions in
advance for our lifetime. You can plan on your future work,
home, education, Haj, Umrah etc. One must plan to live for
hundred years but must be prepared to meet death at any
Unity Islamic Diary which includes ‘24 Hours Islamic Living
Habit and Life Time Planning is the Seventh Principle. If followed systematically with
True Islamic Spirit every step will be profitable both in this life
and hereafter. This systematic Islamic way of your life is
earned and deposited as ‘Ibadath’ for the hereafter.