11 Islamic Solutions for Reasons of Failure in Life
IMAN - Faith
The starting point of Islamic living is an unconditional faith in Almighty Allah. Faith and Doubt are
like the Day and Night. They do not exist together. Once the strong faith is ingrained in one's heart
and mind, which is called Iman, doubt automatically disappears.
Lack of Goal:
AKIIIRAH - Life hereafter
The beauty of Islam is that, it gives a definite role in life towards a guaranteed goal- Akhirah or the
everlasting life hereafter.
Failure to Identify:
ALLAH - The one God
The starting point of Islam is the identification of God in original and pure form. This gives strength
of mind and confidence to develop a relationship and gives hope in life's changing circumstances.
It also enables to identify the definite role of man during his earthly life.
Lack of Knowledge:
ILM - Knowledge
The first word communicated from Almighty Allah to mankind through Prophet (PBUH) is Iqra (to
read); Islam encourages a learning process and education. It laid the first foundation of organized
knowledge, which is an historical fact.
SALATH - Prayer
The five times regular Salath is the greatest balance of time management that could be seen
anywhere in the world. It balances time, activities, personal relations, and keeps the individual's life
in full balance.
Uncontrolled Passion:
SAWM - Fasting
Compulsory and voluntary fasting is the best Islamic solution for all over indulgences in excessive
sensual gratifications.
Selfishness (Inability to Share):
ZAKATH - Institutionalized Charity
Compulsory sharing of our wealth with others is the greatest remedy given by islam for selfishness. Holy Qur'an frequently
reminds one to give charity, which attracts others towards oneself.
JAMA' ATH - Congregation
Regular 5 times Salath in congregation is the greatest gift of the Islam to protect the people being
lost in isolation. This congregation is culminated in Hajj once in a lifetime, where human beings
from different parts of the world meet each other and develop a passion for humanity and brother
Being a part of falsehood:
HAQQUE - Truth
Qur'anic Verse denotes all interpersonal dealings in Haque or truth, which keep
them safe in their long-term relations.
Impatience and Anger:
SABR - Patience
Islam encourages Sabr in all interpersonal dealings, protecting from anger and impatience.
Negative Thinking and Negative Deeds:
AA'MALUS-SWALIHATH - Positive Thinking
and Good Deeds
Islam encourages good deeds on a person in faith and thinking and encourages to deliver good
deeds to the fellow men, which keeps oneself protected from the failure of negative thinking and
negative deeds.
Islamic compass brings alignment in all spheres of life. The rope of Allah reins and
guides us along the right direction in all our activities of life.